Copyright © My Odyssey
Design by Dzignine
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Step 1 : Meet the parents

Fuiihh..I can finally cross that one in my list.

Meeting his parents was easy. His family is the easy-going type.

Telling my parents,well that's, a whole different story.

You see, I wasn't raised up as a kid who tells my parents everything. In fact, I go all out to keep everything a secret from my parents. So just imagine how hard it is for me to tell them some big news like this.

Oh well, it's a phase I have to go through.

And first step done.

Next step : Merisik

Soon soon.
Friday, December 14, 2012

Baggy eyes

You can't choose who your families are. You just have to live with it.

All I have to say for now is, you don't have to wait 26 years and try to be a dad in one night.

It's a tad too late for that.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pushy me

M : Hey, Irene will be coming to help you next week.

Me : So tell me, how Irene is like? I mean you worked with her for quite some time, how do you see her?

M : If you work with her for one week, you will know.

Me : Oh c'mon, tell me.

M : You know what,  I realized something, every chemist that I pushy.

-_- Me : Including me?

M : Your bos...then, not yet lar
Ok, I gtg.

Oh great, I'm a pushy chemist in the making.


Monday, December 3, 2012


Why is life always about money?

I am barely able to stand on my own two feet financially and now I'm burdened by the debts of my own family.

Thank you for making my life a hell.

If that's the case, I might as well throw u guys everything I have then kill myself.

Cause I can't seem to find heaven anywhere.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

For B

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I'm being mushy mushy

And that my dear, is how I feel.
Monday, November 12, 2012


Hellooo Tuesday!

It's Deepavali, but best of all....


It's the only time for me to catch up with sweeping the floor, making the bed (hush, there goes my secret of not making my bed everyday), and tidy whatever need tidying.

So, Happy Deeeepavali to the Indians!

and happy off day to me!!!


P/s : I'm digging this human calendar. Look kinda cool :

Happy birthday!

Thank you for putting up with me.


Happy birthday!

P/s : I know i know, this post deserve to be a lengthy one but seriously, all I want right now is to crawl under the blanket, and rest.
Saturday, November 10, 2012



Yeah, come and join us tomorrow.

P/s : Sorry, haven't been updating much, life has been running too fast that I struggle to keep up 
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Just my thought of the day.
In my line of work, the most important thing that I learn so far is that you have to anticipate problem when you least expect it. And when you do come to face to face with those problems but you don't have the methods and tools to fix it, then improvisation is your best option. Well, talking and complaining help as well. As you go around your colleagues pointing out this and that don't work, they may come up with the most ridiculous idea but soon later would trigger you artistic nerve and in consequence, aid your problem solving skills.

It is severely challenging working with limited budget and being the only one with the expertise doesn't help neither. You don't have a lot of people to turn to and at times, I feel pretty much abandoned. However, if I were to look on the bright side, then I should consider myself unique as only I would be able to handle such task, so I, must be important.

Blergh, yet I am.....underpaid..

Hoorah to oppression.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A gift

Look what my friend brought back for me from Venice!

Oh so pretty.

Now the only thing missing is a masquerade
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oh my snaps

Just for fun. For the love of snapping pictures. Here's my photoblog 


What to believe?

Mom : Nak try kopi tanpa gula? Would you like to try this sugarless coffee?

Me : Kopi tanpa gula? Tak rasa pape lah eh? White coffee without sugar? Won't it be tasteless?

Mom : Boleh guna sweetener ni. Diperbuat daripada extract daun. You can add this sweetener. It's made of leaves extracts.

(Skeptically pick up the sweetener)

Me : Betul ke ni mak? Are you sure it's made of leaves extract?

Mom : Betul, betul, dia tulis tu kan. I'm serious, it's written there.

I read the ingredient where a bunch of chemical stuffs written.

Me : Ada gambar daun je mak. Takkan gambar daun pun mak cakap extract daun?? There's only a picture of leaves mom. You can't be saying that because of the picture?

Mom didn't believe me and went to read herself. She sat down, put her glasses on and starting to pronounce the chemical ingredients one by one.

Mom : Semua ni bukan extract daun ke? All these are not leaves extract?

Me : No mom, please don't argue with a chemist.


The fact is, it could damn well be a leaves extract except that a sweetener is a sweetener. It bounds to contain additional chemically modified sugar to make it sweeter so that you don't have to take so much of sugar. In one way it's good to take it occasionally to cut down your sugar intake but chemistry wise, in my humble opinion, it's not any better than the real sugar.

Back in university, a lecturer told us a story bout his colleague who studied on these artificial sweetener and the effect it has on mice. I can't exactly recall the details of his story but it goes something like this, the colleague was so keen on taking the sweetener deeply believing that the sweetener is a good sugar substitute. However after a period of time, he found some I don't know mutation or tumor on the mice, I really can't remember what it was but something happened to the mice that in the end he never wanted to eat the artificial sweetener ever again.

Now, now, I don't have the published data because god knows how scientists need published paper to prove their findings but what I assure you is that too much of something is never good.

Conclusion? Do things in moderation ok and not everything natural is good. Verify your facts from reliable source and despite everything written on the internet nowdays, even the most decent looking website could mislead you.

P/s : If you happen to google on soursop for cancer, you may found that it's ten thousand times better than chemo but truth is, I digged up deeper on the article and the published paper where it talked about the seed not the fruit and it was an in vitro experiment which when comes to in vivo, it might behave differently. When soursop is taken excessively it could lead to excessive bleeding, and even some other diseases. All these are based on my literature research for my work. Sorry for not putting the links, they're stored in my other disk.

Friday, October 26, 2012



So how do you like the new look? It's about time, isn't it?

I decided to keep the previous posts locked away and start anew. The title stays but the rest will undergo some major makeovers. Hopefully the changes would encourage me to type more cause I know I haven't been updating much.

For more info on the blogger template, check out Dzignine as he has loads of pretty cool templates and to polarize your photo (without needing to know how to use Photoshop), check out polaroin !

Anyways, work has been eating me inside out but I enjoy what I do and life has been great actually.

Will keep you posted.